Join The DLOA

How to become a member of the DLOA

Spring Applicant Classes Start Soon

25 Applicant Class Info.pdf

If you know the game of lacrosse as a player, parent, or fan and like the idea of playing a role in promoting the growth of the sport, this is your opportunity. If you have experience officiating other sports – like basketball, soccer, or field hockey – think about adding lacrosse to your officiating resume. Or, if you just have an interest, then that’s great too – we’ll train you!

With its exciting combination of speed and finesse, lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing team sports in the country. There’s a steady demand for new officials to help ensure that lacrosse games remain safe, fair, and fun at all levels – from youth to collegiate to professional leagues.


• You’ll maintain a healthy, fit lifestyle.

• You’ll earn some money: game fees are highly competitive with those paid in other sports, and can make for a nice part-time income.

• You’ll enjoy the camaraderie and fun of the lacrosse community - officials are a family.

• You’ll have opportunities for travel.

• You’ll get the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping to grow the sport.

• And, of course, you’ll get the best seat in the house!

We conduct effective training sessions – both on and off the field – to familiarize you with all the rules, mechanics, and on-field communications you’ll need when officiating a game. Once you’ve mastered the basics, we’ll team you up with an experienced official in our mentoring program so you can develop the confidence to go with your new skills. Then you’ll be on your way, sharpening your game and moving up to the best games in your area at any level.

Sign Up Today for the 3rd Team on the Field

Contact Greg Bulger, DLOA Training Director, at 443-398-6002 or

Boy’s High School and Middle School

Requirements: Minimum age 18, attend required training and successfully pass the rules exam. Become a DLOA member.

Games are typically Monday through Friday starting at 3:30 and Saturdays.

Boy’s Youth Official (Club teams up to age 15)

Requirements: High School student, attend required training and successfully pass the rules exam.

Games are Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons.

Please Contact Mike Hernandez