Bylaws and Constitution




Article I: Name

This Organization shall be known as the Delaware Lacrosse Officials Association

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this association shall be the promotion of the welfare of the game of lacrosse by:

A. Promoting uniform interpretation of lacrosse rules and maintaining a standard of

qualifications for officials.

B. Fostering a high standard of ethics and integrity, encouraging fair play, sportsmanship,

closer cooperation and better understanding among officials, athletic directors, coaches, players,

news media and spectators.

C. Promoting the recruiting, training and maintenance of an adequate membership of highly

qualified officials whose integrity is above reproach for the use of appointing authorities in

scholastic, youth, collegiate, and club games.

D. Provide administrative services to the Executive Secretary of the Delaware

Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA), it's schools, coaches, athletic directors and

players by open forums, rules interpretations, clinics and field demonstrations.

Click below for the entire Constitution and By Laws document